A/B Testing: How to improve already effective marketing (and win a ticket to Email Summit in Vegas)


Editor’s Note: This subject line contest is no longer accepting entries. Check out “The Writer’s Dilemma:How to know which marketing copy will really be most effective” to see which entry won, why it won and what you can learn from that to further improve your own marketing.

This blog post ends with an opportunity for you to win a stay at the ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas and a ticket to Email Summit, but it begins with an essential question for marketers:

How can you improve already successful marketing, advertising, websites and copywriting?

Today’s MarketingExperiments blog post is going to be unique. Not only are we going to teach you how to address this challenge, we’re going to also offer an example to help drive home the lesson. We’re going to cover a lot of ground today, so let’s dive in.


Give the people what they want …

Some copy and design is so bad, the fixes are obvious. Maybe you shouldn’t insult the customer in the headline. Maybe you should update the website that still uses a dot matrix font.

But when you’re already doing well, how can you continue to improve?

I don’t have the answer for you, but I’ll tell you who does — your customers.

There are many tricks, gimmicks and types of technology you can use in marketing, but when you strip away all the hype and rhetoric, successful marketing is pretty straightforward — clearly communicate the value your offer provides to people who will pay you for that value.

Easier said than done, of course.

How do you determine what customers want and the best way to deliver it to them?

Well, there are many ways to learn from customers, such as focus groups, surveys and social listening.

While there is value in asking people what they want, there is also a major challenge in it.

According to research from Dr. Noah J. Goldstein, Associate Professor of Management and Organizations, UCLA Anderson School of Management, “People’s ability to understand the factors that affect their behavior is surprisingly poor.”

Or, as Malcom Gladwell more glibly puts it when referring to coffee choices, “The mind knows not what the tongue wants.”

This is not to say that opinion-based customer preference research is bad. It can be helpful. However, it should be the beginning of your quest, not the end.


… by seeing what they actually do

You can use what you learn from opinion-based research to create a hypothesis about what customers want, and then run an experiment to see how they actually behave in real-world customer interactions with your product, marketing messages and website.

The technique that powers this kind of research is often known as A/B testing, split testing, landing page optimization or website optimization. If you are testing more than one thing at a time, it may also be referred to as multivariate testing.

To offer a simple example, you might assume that customers buy your product because it tastes great and because it’s less filling. Keeping these two assumptions in mind, you could create two landing pages — one with a headline that promotes that taste (treatment A) and another that mentions the low carbs (treatment B). You then send half the traffic that visits that URL to each version and see which performs better.

Here is a simple visual that Joey Taravella, Content Writer, MECLABS created to illustrate this concept: 


That’s just one test. To really learn about your customers, you must continue the process and create a testing-optimization cycle in your organization — continue to run A/B tests, record the findings, learn from them, create more hypotheses and test again based on these hypotheses.

This is true marketing experimentation, and it helps you build your theory of the customer.


Try your hand at A/B testing for a chance to win

Now that you have a basic understanding of marketing experimentation (there is also more information in the “You might also like” section of this blog post that you may find helpful), let’s engage in a real example to help drive home these lessons in a way you can apply to your own marketing challenges.

To help you take your marketing to the next level, The Moz Blog and MarketingExperiments Blog have joined forces to run a unique marketing experimentation contest.

In this blog post, we’re presenting you with a real challenge from a real organization and asking you to write a subject line that we’ll test with real customers. It’s simple; just leave your subject line as a comment in this blog post.

We’re going to pick three subject lines from The Moz Blog and three from the MarketingExperiments Blog and run a test with this organization’s customers.

Whoever writes the best performing subject line will win a stay at the ARIA Resort in Las Vegas as well as a two-day ticket to MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015 to help them gain lessons to further improve their marketing.

Sound good? OK, let’s dive in and tell you about your client:


Subject Line Contest — Craft the best-performing subject line to win the prize

Every year at Email Summit, we run a live A/B test where the audience helps craft the experiment. We then run, validate, close the experiment and share the results during Summit as a way to teach about marketing experimentation.

We have typically run the experiment using MarketingSherpa as the “client” website to test (MarketingExperiments and MarketingSherpa are sister publications, both owned by MECLABS Institute).

However, this year we wanted to try something different, so we interviewed three national nonprofits to find a new “client” for our tests.

We chose VolunteerMatch — a nonprofit organization that uses the power of technology to make it easier for good people and good causes to connect. One of the key reasons we chose VolunteerMatch is because it is an already successful organization looking to further improve. Here is a case study explaining one of its successful implementations: Lead Management: How a B2B SaaS nonprofit decreased its sales cycle 99%.

Another reason we chose VolunteerMatch for this opportunity is that it has three types of customers, so the lessons from the content we create can help marketers across a wide range of sales models.

VolunteerMatch’s customers are:

  • People who want to volunteer (B2C)
  • Nonprofit organizations looking for volunteers (nonprofit)
  • Businesses looking for corporate volunteering solutions (B2B), to which it offers a Software-as-a-Service product through VolunteerMatch Solutions


VolunteerMatch design of experiments

After we took VolunteerMatch on as our Research Partner “client,” Jon Powell, Senior Executive Research and Development Manager, MECLABS, worked with Shari Tishman, Director of Engagement and Lauren Wagner, Senior Manager of Engagement, both of VolunteerMatch, to understand their challenges, look at their current assets and performance, and craft a design of experiments to determine what further knowledge about its customers would help VolunteerMatch improve performance.

That design of experiments features a series of split tests, including the live test we’re going to run at Email Summit as well as the test you have an opportunity to take part in by writing a subject line in the comments section of this blog post. Let’s take a look at that experiment:


The Challenge

VolunteerMatch wants to increase the response rate of its corporate email list (B2B) by discovering the best messaging possible. In order to determine that, MarketingExperiments wants to run an A/B split test.

One issue is that the B2B list is relatively smaller than the volunteer and cause list (B2C), making it harder to test in, gain statistical significance and determine which messaging is most effective.

So we’re going to run a messaging test to the B2C list. However, this isn’t without its challenges because most individuals on the B2C list are not likely to immediately connect with B2B corporate solutions messaging.

So the question is:

How do we create an email that is relevant (to the B2C list), without asking too much, that simultaneously helps us discover the most relevant aspect of the solutions (B2B) product (if any)?


The Approach — Here’s where you come in

This is where the Moz and MarketingExperiments community comes in to help.

We would like you to craft subject lines relevant to the B2C list that highlight the various benefits of the corporate solutions tool.

We have broken down the corporate solutions tool into three main categories of benefit for the SaaS product. In the comments section below include which category you are writing a subject line for along with what you think is an effective subject line.

The crew at Moz and MarketingExperiments will then choose the top subject line in each category to test. Below you will find the emails that will be sent as part of the test. They are identical, except for the subject lines (which you will write) and the bolded line in the third paragraph (that ties into that category of value).


Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility 


Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from

Category #3: Ease-of-use 


About VolunteerMatch’s brand

Since we’re asking you to try your hand at crafting messaging for this example “client,” here is some more information about the brand to inform your messaging:

VolunteerMatch Identity 


VolunteerMatch Core Values

10 Things VolunteerMatch Believes:

  1. People want to do good
  2. Every great cause should be able to find the help it needs
  3. People want to improve their lives and communities through volunteering
  4. You can’t make a difference without making a connection
  5. In putting the power of technology to good use
  6. Businesses are serious about making a difference
  7. In building relationships based on trust and excellent service
  8. In partnering with like-minded organizations to create systems that result in even greater impact
  9. The passion of our employees drives the success of our products, services and mission
  10. In being great at what we do


And now, we test

You must leave your comment with your idea for a subject line before midnight on Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015. The contest is open to all residents of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec) 18 or older. If you want more info, here are the official rules.

When you enter your subject line in the comments section, also let us know which category you’re entering for (and if you have an idea outside these categories, let us know. We just might drop it in the test).

Next, Annette Promes, Chief Marketing Officer, and Cyrus Shepard, Head of SEO and Content, Moz, will pick the subject lines they think will perform best in each category from all the comments on the Moz blog, and the MarketingExperiments team will pick the subject lines we think will perform the best in each category from all the comments on the MarketingExperiments blog.

We’ll then give the VolunteerMatch team a chance to approve the subject lines based on their brand standards and test the subject lines. We’ll report back to you through the Moz and MarketingExperiments blogs which subject lines won and why they won to help you improve your already successful marketing.

So show us what you’ve got. Write your best subject lines in the comments section below. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


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If you’re interested in learning more about marketing experimentation and A/B testing, you might find these links helpful:

A/B Split Testing — How to use A/B Split Testing to Increase Conversion Rates, Challenge Assumptions and Solve Problems

Don’t Fall Into the Trap of A/B Testing Minutiae

A/B Testing: Example of a good hypothesis

Multivariate Testing: Can you radically improve marketing ROI by increasing variables you test?

Marketing Campaign: Landing page optimization can help improve the return on your media spend

Landing Page Optimization Online Course

Online Testing Course

Beyond Marketing Kaizen: How a CMO gaining line of sight into the testing-optimization cycle can drive triple-digit ROI improvements

Online Marketing Tests: How could you be so sure?

A/B Testing: Split tests are meaningless without the proper sample size

Here’s a look at a previous subject line writing contest we’ve run to give you some ideas for your entry:

Are You a Copywriting Hotshot? Test Your Skills in an Email Marketing Duel

A/B Testing for Fun and Profit [Subject Line Writing Contest]

Announcing: Winners of the Email Subject Line Contest

Email Marketing: What elements of your offer get people to click? [Subject line contest winner announced]

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  1. Kathryn Towner says

    Category #2

    Subject Line:

    How to Make a Difference a Thousand Ways via VolunteerMatch

  2. Leidy Restrepo says

    category #1:

    Subject line: 5 team volunteer activities to build a strong office culture

  3. Annika Lueth says

    #1 – Proof, recognition, credibility
    Ready to bring your passion for volunteering to the office?

    #2 – Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Want to bring thousands of volunteer opportunities to your workplace?

    #3 – Ease-of-Use
    Want to be the office hero?

  4. John Wen says

    Subject lines + preheaders as a bonus!

    #1 Proof, recognition, credibility
    SL: You are worth more than you think
    PH: Unleash your value as a volunteer with VolunteerMatch.org

    #2 Better, more opportunities to choose from
    SL: Want to give something more valuable than money?
    PH: VolunteerMatch.org helps to choose a worthy cause to volunteer for

    #3: Ease-of-use
    SL: You’re ready to make a difference
    PH: Find out it easy it is to find a cause you’d love to support through VolunteerMatch.org

  5. Cynthia Nagle says

    #1 – Proof, recognition, credibility
    In 2015, make sure your volunteer efforts REALLY count

    #2 – Better, more opportunities to choose from
    You + your company = exponential good for more causes you care about

    #3 – Ease-of-Use
    Just click – it’s easy for your company to do good

  6. Kelly Haggard says

    1. If you could change the world, would you?
    4. Together, we can make a better world

  7. Amy Harold says

    category 1: prove that volunteering helps your company

  8. Troy says

    Category #1

    Subject Line: Have Your Employees Saved a Life Today?

  9. Christopher Kopenec says

    #1: See how your effort matters, [FIRSTNAME]

    #2: You choose how to make a difference, [FIRSTNAME]

    #3: Does it get any easier than this to help?

  10. Dave says

    Category 2:

    SL: Do volunteers make better employees?

    add opening line to email between recipient name and current opening sentence:

    A recent Stanford study (link: http://www.ssireview.org/articles/entry/do_volunteers_make_better_employees) finds that “Employees who volunteer are better employees.”

    (consider offering the study as a downloadable white paper to those who fill out a form with info about them and their company – use captured company data to personalize follow-up emails… ie: “[NAME] please forward this information to your Director of HR at [COMPANY]”)

  11. Elizabeth Marks says

    Proof, Recognition, Creditability
    • Proven Platform Increases Your Social Good
    • Proven Platform Increases Your Bottom Line through Volunteering
    • Proven Easy Way to Get Employees Volunteering Fast

    Better, more opportunities to choose from
    • How to Increase Volunteers to Improves Your Bottom Line
    • How to Increase Volunteers to Improves Your CSR Campaign

    Ease of Use
    • How to Grow Corporate Social Responsibility Leaders in Mass Fast and Easy
    • How to Get Your Employees Volunteering Faster
    • Discover Easy Way to Get Employees Volunteering Fast
    • Discover Easy Way to Start Volunteering Fast
    • Proven Easy Way to Start Volunteering Fast

  12. Mark Wooton says

    Category 2:
    Find your passion, then lend your hand

  13. AR says

    1. B2c Customers work for organisations that that have a lot of employees who believe in volunteering.
    2. B2c customers work for organisations who know the importance of and value employee engagement.

    Category1 heading – , do you believe that volunteering can help in employee engagement?
    Category 2 heading – , can a choice of volunteering opportunities increase employee participation?
    Category 3 heading – , can a simple volunteering app improve employee participation ?

  14. AR says

    Category1 heading – [name], do you believe that volunteering can help in employee engagement?
    Category 2 heading – [name], can a choice of volunteering opportunities increase employee participation?
    Category 3 heading – [name], can a simple volunteering app improve employee participation ?

  15. Niek says

    1. [FIRSTNAME], you are the right person to make a better world. Help us!

  16. Kent Lewis says

    Category #3:

    VolunteerMatch: It’s the one-click way to make a difference in your community and company

    Making a difference is as easy as 1 click. Get your company involved today

    Your coworkers are 3 clicks away from making a difference with VolunteerMatch

    Help your favorite causes by connecting your coworkers via VolunteerMatch

    It’s easy to make a difference with the help of your co-workers via VolunteerMatch

    Helping causes is easy, and now VolunteerMatch can partner with your business

  17. Phaea Crede says

    Category #2

    Volunteer YOUR way – and bring the whole crew.

  18. Yusuf Turab says

    (Name), look out for gold in (place)

    Context: promoting gold rated green buildings

  19. Greg says

    Subject line email contest:

    Clicking this will honestly help someone in need!

  20. Tony Burquez says

    I think this could work for any category, but probably a better fit for Category #1.

    Category #1
    Subject Line: Be Exceptional. Volunteer.
    Subject Line: Be Exceptional. Volunteer Today.
    Subject Line: Find Your Match. Volunteer Your Way.

  21. Roberta Rosenberg says

    Category #3 –
    [New App] The Better Way to Do Good Your Way

  22. Adams says

    Category 3:

    , This Common Assumption is just WRONG…

  23. Mandi says

    #1: You Can Make an Impact. We’ll Prove It.
    #2: Pick Your Passion. We’ll Make it Happen.
    #3: Less Time Searching. More Time Making A Difference.

  24. Lyn Fisher says

    I was needing a response from a list of people by a certain date. My subject line was, “Patience hell, I’m going to …. ”
    In the body I then proceeded to tell them I was going to be sad if they didn’t respond. Everyone did. Some wrote back that it was the most creative email they had ever received.

  25. Dave Wilson says

    Category #2

    Do Well by Doing Good . . .

  26. Evangeline says

    [Proof, Recognition, Credibility]

    See why Pepsico & Target use our employee-engagement platform

  27. Bryce says

    Category 1:
    What You Get From Volunteering

    Category 2:
    Stop looking for volunteer opportunities

    Category 3:
    Who said volunteering had to be difficult?

  28. Deidre Pettinga says

    2015 could be the year you make the best match of your life.

  29. Carissa Strickland says

    Category #3

    Changing the world just got easier!

  30. caroline says

    You need to look at your own email marketing! I was all set to take part till I read the T&C’s. I don’t live in the States or Canada, but in a beautiful small village in Scotland where my Husband and I run our Tourism Website Trossachs.co.uk. You really must check your database 1st before sending out mass emails to all and sundry!

    Good luck with the competition.

  31. Dave Vikartofsky says

    Category 1

    Subject Line:

    Volunteering That Makes a Difference – VolunteerMatch

  32. Stacey Morris says

    Category 3 – The easiest way to shine at your office

  33. Shelley Hahn says

    #3 – Does your company need a better way to communicate with volunteers? We have an app for that!

  34. Dave Vikartofsky says

    Category 2

    Subject Line:

    Volunteering Your Way – VolunteerMatch

  35. Dave Vikartofsky says

    Category 3

    Subject Line:

    Volunteering Made Easy – VolunteerMatch

  36. Kym says

    I get lots of offshore offers for outsourcing that I immediately junk. But just now I did open one that had a subject of Need Your Help and I actually scanned the first paragraph to see what they needed. I think people like the idea of being needed.

    #1 Need Your Help

  37. alberto cusi says

    Help us helping you.

    We can help you helping others.

    Helping others is just a click away.

  38. Rachel Unell says

    Category #1:

    Transform [COMPANY NAME]’s super employees into community superheroes!

  39. Mariah Bliss says

    Subject Line #1:

    Why does volunteering matter in the office?

    Subject Line #2:

    Want passionate employees in 2015?

    Subject Line #3:

    Save the world while you’re on the go

  40. Peter Ansbacher says

    Category #3

    [fname], Help get your company involved more in your community in 2015. Volunteermatch makes it easy make an impact.

  41. Deb Hawkins says

    #1: You have a Right to Lend a Hand so No One is Left Behind
    #2: Doing Good Never Felt so Good
    #2: Remember when Volunteering was as Easy as Raising Your Hand? Times Haven’t Changed.
    #3: Looking to Volunteer? We have an App for that.

  42. Mariah Bliss says

    @Mariah Bliss
    Subject line 1 – category 1, subject line 2, category 2, subject line 3, category 3

  43. Alexis Graham says

    Category #1: We Appreciate You. They Need You.
    Category #2: You Could Be Making a Difference Right Here in [respective local market]. Will You?
    Category #3: Help Us Help You HELP- Volunteer Match is Easy

  44. Gerald Terrell says

    Category #2
    Make a Difference in 2015 – Find Your Opportunity To Do Good

  45. Nohealani Cutting says

    #1 – Proof, recognition, credibility
    (Your Name Here) – The Office Hero
    #2 – Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Finally! The Volunteering Solutions We’ve All Been Looking For
    #3 – Ease-of-Use
    An EASY Way To Make An Impact?

  46. Stacey Pollock says

    Category 1:
    Can they match your passion?

    Category 2:
    Hey Jon, your passion is showing…

    Category 3:
    Jon, we made it easier to share your passion

  47. Wintress Odom says

    Cat #1 Quick Question about Volunteering at Your Company
    Cat #2 Local Volunteering Opportunities for Your Company
    Cat #3 Volunteer With Your Company This Year

  48. Karen Ambrose Hickey says

    Category #3
    One click connects to YOUR way to make a difference

    Category #2
    One click. Thousands of ways to help. What are you waiting for?

  49. RGerhart says

    Category 1 / 2
    Put your hands where they matter – VolunteerMatch helps you with it

    Category 3
    Change the world with your own hands – VolunteerMatch makes it easy with new apps

  50. Sean McCool says

    #1 – Proof

    Subject Line: Freud vs. Frankl; why it matters to your employees…

  51. JoAnne says

    Category 2

    How to find the best of you- Volunteer- Match and feel good about life.

  52. Steven says

    I’m sorry, but I need to comment on the goal of this contest:

    “…craft subject lines relevant to the B2C list that highlight the various benefits of the corporate solutions tool.”

    Why does the subject line need to do that?

    If you’re looking to get the best open rate, or the best click through rate, or the most valuable response (which may mean a lower CTR but a more valuable CTA), why would you limit yourself to “highlighting various benefits” in the subject line?

    One of the best testing subject lines I’ve ever used (base on open rate) in a B2C list was: “Uh oh…”. And since the copy started in a way that justified “Uh oh…”, that was a high performing email, too.

    Other that have tested well because the got OPENED, included: “Eeek… can you help me with a problem?” and “Can you do me a favor? (it’s an easy one)”

    Similarly, you say you want to craft this email for the CLIENT… but then you give us information about the BRAND. If we want the best open rate and response rate, we need to know more abut the CLIENT. This contest is all “me me me” (about the brand) rather than WIIFM (what’s in it for me) about the RECIPIENT.

    At the very least, restricting the subject line to benefits about the company rules out the possibility that other subject lines could have a much better open rate and/or be more effective (open rate is not necessarily the best metric for effectiveness).

    For example, some subject lines I’ve used with great success (both open rate, CTR, and ROI) include, “Uh oh…”, and “Ummm… can you help me with something?” and “Quick favor to ask you (it’s simple).” Of course the first line in the emails justified the subject lines.

    Do with that what you will, including deciding to take a contrarian route and test one of those 😉

    1. Daniel Burstein says

      Thanks for your comment and your advice.

      The reason the subject line has to tie into the various benefits of the corporate solutions tool is because this is a value proposition test. We are using the email subject line (and copy) essentially as a proxy for subscribers responses to what values of the product might be most compelling. This blog post explains the methodology more, if you’re interested — Value Proposition Optimization: 5 simple steps to discovering your value proposition using an email campaign

      To your point, curiosity-driven subject lines can be effective for the sole goal of getting response for a specific email. Probably one of the most famous examples is the subject lines used in President Obama’s re-election campaign. One of the effective subject lines was simply “Hey.” I interviewed Amelia Showalter, Director of Digital Analytics, Obama for America about their testing, and you can watch that in Email Optimization: A discussion about how A/B testing generated $500 million in donations.

      You also rightly call out that we should have more in there about the customer. The reason we include the brand information is to help entrants understand brand standards, as no brand would want to test a subject line that violated its brand standards.

      In the case study we wrote about VolunteerMatch — Lead Management: How a B2B SaaS nonprofit decreased its sales cycle 99% — there is an entire section about the customer that you might find helpful.

      If this new information gives you new ideas for subject lines, I’d love to see them. Thanks again for reading the MarketingExperiments blog Steven, and for sharing your advice.

  53. Jesse Dang says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    • How to Make Your Company Work for You in 2015

    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    • New Year, New You, New Opportunities

    Category #3: Ease-of-use
    • Volunteering is now as easy as 3.14159…

  54. Rachel Perry says

    #1: The employee retention strategy you’re missing

    #2: Done with bake sales? Volunteer with us your way.

    #3: Volunteering? There’s an app for that.

  55. Eric Frye says

    Category #1
    VolunteerMatch – How businesses do good

  56. Kimberly Holmes says

    1. You Won’t Believe What We Can Prove
    2. Would You Choose to Do This?
    3. You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is…

  57. Mike Wagner says

    Category 1: Spread your volunteering passion to your company

    Category 2: Lend your co-workers a helping hand

    Category 3: Find volunteering opportunities on the go

  58. Jennifer Dublino says

    Category 3 – Make it easy for co-workers to make a difference in your community!

    Category 2 – Introduce your co-workers to countless volunteer opportunities

  59. Brad Larsen says

    category 1 subject line


  60. Pam Foster says

    Help thousands more without volunteering more time

    [Name], create more help and hope in 1 simple step

    Help thousands more as a volunteer “clone” 🙂

    Help thousands more by cloning yourself as a volunteer

  61. Ryan Spellman says

    Category #2

    How will you make a difference in 2015?

    Make a difference in 2015

  62. Mike Suleymanov says

    One click. Priceless opportunities.

  63. Sid Smith says

    Category #1
    How to get your company to give you more time for volunteering
    Slick way to get more time off from your company to volunteer

    Category #2
    The easiest way to find volunteer gigs that match your schedule
    Have you ever considered volunteering here?
    Some places at which you never considered volunteering…

    Category #3
    Why your company might call you ‘volunteer of the year’
    Should your company reward your outside volunteer work?
    If your company encourages and rewards volunteering…

  64. Tara Greco says

    #1 – Proof, recognition, credibility
    Make a Difference: Pay It Forward by Helping Others

    #2 – Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Be a Hero: 2015 Ways to Help Others

    #3 – Ease-of-Use
    Connect with Your Community: Simple Ways to Help Others

  65. Sabakun Naher Shetu says

    Category#3 Ease -of-use
    Subject line :
    People want to improve their lives and communities through volunteering

  66. Suzanne says

    Category: I’d like to suggest a new one.

    If you want move these B2C volunteers to action, you could appeal to their egos (recognition), and you could appeal to their busy schedules (ease of use)…

    But I would argue that true volunteers are motivated by something more profound from within: dedicated volunteers are passionate about a particular cause. In all likelihood, they have a personal connection to that cause because they or someone they love has been impacted by it. They don’t volunteer for the sake of volunteering; they volunteer because they care deeply about making a difference in a specific area, and as such, they’re prone to being evangelists for that cause.

    Give them a platform to spread their passion, or to inspire others to become passionate about a cause that matters to them.

    Subject Line: Spread the Only “Good” Office Virus

    Suggested bolded line to match: spreading passion for worthy causes

    (note: I understand how “more opportunities” is a benefit to B2B organizations, but based on my belief above, I’m not convinced it is one to an individual. So, since this is going to a B2C list, I didn’t address it. Thanks for your consideration!)

  67. Nick Sideris says


    See this yet?

  68. Brooke says

    Category #3: Ease-of-use

    1) EASY! Tap, Track, and Make the World a Better Place
    2) 1-2-3 and You Made a Difference
    3) Must-See Ways to Improve Your Life and Others

  69. Peter Herring says

    Do good easily. Very easily.
    1. Click here 2. Do good 3. Feel good
    1. Click here now 2. Do good soon 3. Feel good forever
    We know you’re a good person. But how about your coworkers?
    We’re the match.com for do-gooders and good that needs doing

  70. Sherice Jacob says

    1) What Does Your Volunteering Spirit Say About You, (firstname)?

  71. Penney Mathis says

    Category 2
    Make 2015 you’re year to give back by volunteering – find your passion

  72. benjamin butty says

    1. Do you plan on volunteering as a group in 2015?
    2. Let’s bring all our skills together to help a charity.
    3. How would you get your friends to volunteer?

  73. Brian McKenzie says

    Category #1 – How does your company rank in volunteerism?

    Category #1 – Are your coworkers into volunteering?

  74. mark simko says

    Let’s Match Needs & Bump Uglies

  75. Dona DeZube says

    Category #1 Use Our Jobs to Boost Your Retention Rate
    Category #2 We Have the Volunteer Jobs Your Employees Want
    Category #3 App Connects Employees to Jobs of the Heart

  76. Derrick De Yarman says

    Can I really make a difference in the world, or am I just going through the motions?

  77. Roy Moskowitz says

    You & your colleagues can use your superpowers for good

    Category 2
    More opportunities to make a difference

    Category 3

    Helping others is now pain free

  78. Bob Harris says

    Avoid That Awful Feeling of Regret

  79. Fred Meyers says

    all three:
    What’s Better – Something for Nothing, or Nothing for Something?

  80. Kevin Dubrosky says

    CAT #1: proof, recognition, credibility

    What do you do when it’s your turn to be heard?
    Your brain in someone else’s head?
    Tired of convincing others to volunteer?

    CAT #2: better, more opportunities to choose from

    Waste not, give not?
    How to unforget these forgotten
    Annoyed to see money wasted by charities?

    CAT #3: ease of use

    A heart transplant for your smartphone?
    You’re busy, so this is short
    Can this app really save the world?

  81. Debra Cook says

    Catagory 1 – Here’s why Volunteering is Selfish

    Category 2 – 1 brings 1 brings 2 brings 22 brings 87 more!

    Category 3 – If decomposed dinasaurs fuel the world then you can make a difference

  82. Kevin Dubrosky says

    @Annika Lueth

    Well done on the “hero” play, Annika.
    Magnetic word.

  83. Sherry says

    Category #1 Do this. Tell co-workers. Feel good. Nuff said.

    Category #1 Do this. Tell co-workers. Rinse. Repeat.

    Category #3 Helping others is easy peasy

    Category #3 The Lazy Volunteer

  84. SQ says

    Category #2

    Choose 1 and leave the other opportunities for others just like your mother taught you.

  85. Rocco DiBenardo says

    # 1 The proof is in the PUT IN
    # 2 You have a Voice to make a Choice
    # 3 Simply Elect to Connect

  86. Amy E. Miller says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility

    Proof positive: volunteers in your company can make a difference

    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from

    Find your passion: choose from thousands of ways to make a difference

    Category #3: Ease-of-use

    On the go? Choosing to volunteer is easier than ever.

  87. catherine says

    Category #2
    What is the person beside you doing when they’re not at work?

    Are your colleagues being good?

    Can you tell which employee is also a volunteer?

    Corporate volunteerism – why its good for business

  88. Patrick at RepuReps says

    1: [FIRSTNAME], the proof’s inside, and inside you

    2: [FIRSTNAME], volunteer your team, or the whole company

    3: [FIRSTNAME], the Do Good App wants you

  89. Mallory Durrick says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    A Great Cause Deserves The Perfect Match … Volunteer Today!

    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    The Perfect Match Is Waiting For You. Make A Difference and Volunteer

    Category #3: Ease-of-use
    What I learned From Being A Volunteer I’m Now Sharing With You

  90. Deb Hawkins says

    #1: You have a Right to Lend a Hand so No One is Left Behind
    #2: Doing Good Never Felt so Good
    #2: Remember when Volunteering was as Easy as Raising Your Hand? Times Haven’t Changed.
    #3: Looking to Volunteer? We have an App for that.

  91. Patrick at RepuReps says

    (edited contact info)

    1: [FIRSTNAME], the proof’s inside, and inside you

    2: [FIRSTNAME], volunteer your team, or the whole company

    3: [FIRSTNAME], the Do Good App wants you

  92. Gregg Meiklejohn says

    Category 1: Attention Business Leaders: How to Increase your ROI by up to fourteen to one, through Employee Volunteer Initiatives

    Category 2: Here’s One Gold Standard Technique to Get your Employees Volunteering in your Community…now

    Category 3: Increase employee volunteerism by 22% with these three very simple steps.

  93. June Ahmed says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    Subject Line: Today is Your Someday to Make a Difference!

  94. Jay Snow says

    #1 – Developing Lives with People who Care – VolunteerMatch
    #2 – Drive Life’s Caring Opportunities – VolunteerMatch
    #3 – VolunteerMatch – a Relaxing Way to Grow with People

  95. Bryan says

    Subject line for Category #1, but really could work for all.

    Today’s your day! Put your stamp on 2015.

  96. Amy Stafford says

    Subject Line Entry –

    BLOWOUT SALE—up to 60% OFF

  97. Ray Weeks says

    Category 1 Proof, recognition, credibility

    Your passion + our technology = more volunteers

  98. Gerald Terrell says

    Category #2
    Make a Difference in 2015 – Find Your Opportunity AND Do Good!

  99. Halina says

    How to Get Your Boss to Support Your Charity

  100. Anna says

    Do good on the go! Find volunteer opportunities with our mobile app

  101. Jim Maxwell says

    Category 1:
    Beyond Fluff: Proof that Volunteering Impacts Your Culture

    Category 2:
    Remove Guesswork and Anxiety Around Volunteering Efforts

    Category 3:
    Easily Track Employee Volunteering

  102. Lori Bower says

    Category 1:
    Sourpuss? Eager beaver? Inspire every employee with the perfect cause.

  103. Jan Kenyan says

    Category #1 – A Community in Need + Employee Voluntarism gives your company a heart.

    Category #2 – VolunteerMatch.org: Happy Employees + Grateful Causes = Socially Responsible Companies. This could be you!

    Category #3 – VolunteerMatch.org – Technology to help you make a socially responsible difference. Easy Peezy!

  104. Patrick says

    What’s your “Rule of Law”

  105. Greg Haywood says

    Category #1
    Subject Line: 3 Ways People Like You are Making a Difference in 2015

  106. Carrie says

    Category # 3
    [first], you will ♥ this APP

  107. Steve Hall says

    1. Does your volunteer work make a REAL difference? Here’s how to make certain.
    2. Skyrocket the results of your volunteer work – discover where you can make the biggest difference.
    3. An easy way to make a bigger impact with your volunteer work

  108. Scott says

    What landing page will the email go to? What metric will be used to decide the winner (open, click, conversion (form submission), etc.)?

    1. Daniel Burstein says

      Great questions. The email will go to the employee solutions overview page — http://solutions.volunteermatch.org/solutions/employee

      Clicks is the key metric that will decide the winner.

  109. EdC says

    #1- For People who want to volunteer (B2C)
    “Looking for meaningful volunteer work?”

    #2- Nonprofit organizations looking for volunteers (nonprofit)
    “Seeking reliable volunteers?”

    #3- Businesses looking for corporate volunteering solutions (B2B), to which it offers a Software-as-a-Service product through VolunteerMatch Solutions
    “Need help managing volunteers? Here’s a solution.”

  110. Jim Martin says

    If you are itching to help a cause, we’ll link you with a nonprofit that can scratch it.

  111. Camille Womack says

    Category #1

    Spread the feel-good in your organization: Give back.

  112. Hal Leeds says

    ” Once in a Lifetime or at least This Year Opportunity “

  113. Marie says

    Question: Are these messages going to past volunteers, or both volunteers and proto-volunteers? The first SL for Category 1 is geared toward those who contributed time in the past year. While you state that the B2B audience is small, I believe that knowing this distinction can make a difference in how you speak to them.

    Note: “PH”below refers to the pre-header text.

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility

    SL: Thank you for your support in 2014
    PH: Let’s 10X last year – here’s how

    SL: The best team building step to kick off 2015
    PH: A team that volunteers is a team united

    SL: Be the proactive leader who started it all in 2015
    PH: Unite your company through volunteering

    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from

    SL: We believe you are part of a dream team
    PH: Start a volunteer movement at your company

    SL: Everyone has a super power – what’s yours?
    PH: Be the key to a meaningful movement at your company

    SL: Everyone has a talent they can share
    PH: But you have the super power to mobilize

    Category #3: Ease-of-use

    SL: No good deed goes… untracked?
    PH: Track your team’s volunteering goals through our mobile app!

    SL: Look who’s done something good!
    PH: Our mobile app can track your team’s progress, and much more

    SL: You are now free to move about the office
    PH: With our mobile app, getting the team involved is easy

  114. Lucas Wagland says

    #1 – Making a real difference is just a click away
    #2 – Changing the world is not as hard as you think

  115. Joy says

    #1: What a difference a year can make
    #2: There’s no end to what you can do
    #3: Snap! And you’ve made a difference

  116. Mark Subaih says

    Category #1:
    Subject line: For people who understand the meaning of happiness.

    Category #2:
    Subject line: Did you know.. Changing others life make you happier, volunteer today.

  117. David says

    1: Don’t just meet your social responsibilities – Exceed them with VolunteerMatch.

    2: With VolunteerMatch there are so many ways YOU can make a difference to the world we live in

    3: We can’t change the world alone, the world needs YOU too. Get the VolunteerMatch app today

  118. Cynthia says

    Category #1 – Can your company make employee volunteering the real bottom line?
    Category #2 – You’ve got tons of perfect matches. Find them all at VolunteerMatch.org
    Category #3 – Almost as easy as swiping right. Connect to great causes with VolunteerMatch’s app

  119. Angela Ashton says

    #1. and #2. (First_name), set 2015 ablaze. We’ll supply the matches.

    #3. (First_name), our app finds your perfect match. But it’s not what you think.

  120. Lisa Lang says

    This would work for all 3 categories.

    Subject: Photo enclosed, do NOT bend.

    Then add an appropriate photo to the email.

  121. Joseph Skinkis says

    The catagory would be “Retirement”

    “Retire in Chiang Mai, Thailand on $1,000 per Month”

  122. Harold says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    Subject line: You can make the difference in 2015
    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Subject line: Volunteer Opportunities To Choose
    Category #3: Ease-of-use
    Subject line: Easy-Of-Use Employee Engagement App

  123. JJ McLaughlin says

    Category 2:
    Don’t just work. Do your best work with more opportunities.

  124. Dawn Beck says

    Alert: Make 2015 your year to make a difference!

    Works for any category, assumption is “From” will clearly show it is from VolunteerMatch.org”

  125. Tyler Holmes says

    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    “Let us help you find your true calling”

  126. Emma Coulson says

    #1 – You pitch in, inspire others to do the same
    #2 – A plethora of possibilities, there are, with VolunteerMatch
    #3 – Get help in a snap

  127. Theo Romeo says

    Category 1 – Do volunteers make a difference?
    Category 2 – More help than you can handle
    Category 3 – Need a “help wanted” for those that want to help?

  128. Susan Anderson says

    Category #3
    Wish your company image was more Ashton Kutcher and less Justin Bieber?

    Category #2
    Looking for the perfect passion project to suit EVERYONE on your team?

    Category #1
    What do George, Ellen, and Angelina do better than your brand?

  129. Benedict Paul says

    Category 3.

    Jon—FREE employee volunteering mobile app . . .

  130. Doug Kessler says

    1) Give Back: how to capture your Return on Volunteering

    1) Employee volunteering is great for business. Do it right.

    1) Change the World: one employee volunteer at a time

    2) Great causes need your great people: but which ones?

    3) Pay It Forward: An easy way to get your people volunteering

  131. Vicki Klinowski says


    Enjoy a volunteer environment at work.

  132. Renee Dube says

    Category 2:
    Thousands of opportunities for your employees to say I DO

    Category 3:
    Best free app to track employee volunteering

  133. Laurie Tomasko says

    subject line for VolunteerMatch:

    Category 2: Better, more opportuities to choose from

    Make a difference. Choose how you impact the world.

  134. Michelle Orelup says

    Category #1 Connect to your passions
    Category #1 Connect your people and their passion
    Category #2 You can make a world of difference
    Category #3 Connecting you to the right volunteer opportunity

  135. Dana Wilson says

    Category: Make your volunteering count! Easily find the best match for your skills and talents!

  136. Stephanie says

    Category #1:
    , We Need Your Help Making A Difference
    You + Your Company = A Better 2015
    , Share Your Volunteering Passion At Work

    Category #2:
    CC Your Boss: 1,000+ Ways To Make A Difference (Inside)

    Category #3:
    Volunteering Made Easy (For You & Your Company)

  137. Stephanie says

    the subject lines with commas at the beginning refer to First Name personalization

  138. Mukesh Shah says

    Category 1: For People who want to volunteer (B2C)

    “Be recognized and credible by volunteering for your passions”.

    Category 3: Businesses looking for corporate volunteering solutions (B2B), to which it offers a Software-as-a-Service product through VolunteerMatch Solutions

    “Let your staff passion make them recognized, credible and drive success with free easy app”.

  139. T.J. Lowther says

    1. Topic: Better, More Opportunities
    Volunteering shouldn’t feel involuntary. Agree?

    2. Topic: Proof
    What you do matters. We can prove it.

    3. Topic: Ease-of-use
    With volunteering, just [smart]phone it in.

  140. Emilio Gomez says

    Email subject line writing contest‏

    “What are the major challenges you are facing?”

  141. Chandler Turner says

    Fishing or Phishing? Recreation vs Identity Theft!
    Spear Phishing: Latest Danger in International Hacking.

  142. Luke Thorpe says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    Subject line: Follow your heart
    Category #2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Subject line: Follow your heart
    Category #3: Ease-of-use
    Subject line: Follow your heart

  143. Paul Kaliher says

    Category #1:
    Can Your Company Be As Good a Volunteer As You Are?

  144. Marie LeDonne says

    Category 2:

    Help big hearts meet great causes with VolunteerMatch.

  145. Christina H says

    Category 2 – Today, you could change the world!
    Category 3 – Discover your cause, right from your phone!

  146. Edilma Riano says

    Category #1: Increase your employees satisfaction without raising Salaries
    Category #2: Live like you mean it – 1000’s of volunteer opportunities available
    Category #3: We change the way to choose volunteering – We make it easy – check it out

  147. Kevin Graves says

    Although using the “First Name” seems to convert higher most of the time, I recommend split testing with vs. without.

    • [First Name], increase your personal bottom line…
    • [First Name], this is how you make a difference
    • [First Name], here’s your real recognition…
    • [First Name], real recognition starts here…
    • [First Name], increase your brands exposure by…
    • [First Name], increase your company reputation by…
    • [First Name], increase your company’s recognition by…
    • [First Name], we need your help…
    • [First Name], 70% of employees want this*…
    *Stat pulled from JA Worldwide®- The Benefits of Employee Volunteer Programs 2009 Summary Report. “70% of young workers believe employers should use volunteering as a development tool” (Sorry, couldn’t find anything more current.)

    • [First Name], does employee retention equal opportunity?
    • [First Name], a little secret to increase brand awareness
    • [First Name], strengthen your brand immediately by…
    • [First Name], increase employee retention by…
    • [First Name], secret to increasing employee retention…

    • [First Name], easy way to make a difference
    • [First Name], easily improve your brand
    • [First Name], easily increase employee engagement
    • [First Name], easily improve customer satisfaction and revenue*
    *Stat pulled from JA Worldwide®- The Benefits of Employee Volunteer Programs 2009 Summary Report. “Employees demonstrate competency gains of between 14 to 17 percent as a direct result of volunteering. Improving employee attitudes by five points results in a 1.3% point improvement in customer satisfaction. Improving customer satisfaction by 1.3% points produces a 0.5% improvement in revenue.” (Sorry, couldn’t find anything more current.)

  148. Dave Goss says

    Category 1:
    Increase Employee Engagement through Volunteering!

    Category 2:
    Thousands of Volunteer Opportunities for Employees

    Category 3:
    Use Your Mobile Device to Find and Track Volunteering Efforts

  149. Lora says

    Category 1- One person-YOU can change the world

  150. Mikayla Forkes says

    Category #2

    Option 1 : For business owners wanting to affect greater change.

    Option 2: Make a difference by helping to make countless connections.

    Option 3: Affect change by creating more connections to causes.

  151. Scott says

    @Daniel Burstein

    Thanks for the additional information. Here are my entries

    Category 2
    Are your co-workers helpful?

    Category 3
    1,000s to help (and an app to help you)
    Thousands to help (and an app to help you)
    1,000s of opportunities (and an app to make it easy)
    Thousands of opportunities (and an app to make it easy)

  152. Dustin Dopps says

    Category 2

    By volunteering, you have changed lives. Help us find more volunteers like you.

  153. Nancy Harhut says

    Category 1:
    Is your company as good as you are?

    Category 2:
    They won’t know unless you tell them

    Category 3:
    New, easy way to help hundreds. Please, will you?

  154. alex says

    #1 Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

  155. caroline says

    Even though I live in Scotland so am not eligible for free tickets here’s some lines.

    “I really hate volunteering, but……………”
    “I really hate volunteering, do you?”
    “Hate volunteering? Then add your voice here”.

  156. caroline says

    Whatever you do, DON’T open this email!
    Don’t volunteer or or open this email.

  157. JacksonC says

    For any of the three categories:

    – Passionate volunteers’ opinions needed
    – We need an honest volunteer’s opinion
    – [Name], what do serious volunteers think about this?

    Interchange these words as needed: passionate/serious/dedicated/real/honest

    PS. The first line of current email would work well as a preheader.

  158. Deb Monfette says

    Category #1: Proof, recognition, credibility

    Subject Line: Shari, Volunteering I think you should know about

    [Note: Part of your identity strategy is personalization. I would definitely find multiple ways to test it. I just picked your first name. Actually this subject line could be used in all 3 categories to test the call to action in each of the the emails inside.]

  159. Harvey Cahoon says

    Subject Line Submital

    Better Results with Student iPads using LanSchool

  160. Molly O'Riordan says

    #1 You and I know it’s worth it. Do they?

    #2 You’ve got passion, we’ve got options

    #3 Love to volunteer? There’s an app for that

  161. Maeghan says

    #1 [First Name], Your HR Dept Needs to See This
    #2 Get Perks at Work for Volunteering

  162. Olivia Fraustino says

    Category 1: Proof, recognition, credibility

    SL: Will you help your coworkers give back?

    Category 2: Better, more opportunities to choose from

    SL: 90,000+ opportunities (yes, even dog cuddling)

    Category 3: Ease-of-use

    SL: Volunteering just got easier.

  163. Debra says

    Category #1:
    Want to feel good and help to?
    Want to help others? Start here…
    Feel good, help others…volunteer! it’s never been easier.

    Category #2:
    Make a difference…1000’s of opportunities.
    Volunteering…great team builder. Get you’re team involved.

    Category #3:
    No more excuses…app makes volunteering easy.
    Volunteering app? Makes volunteering a breeze.

  164. Angela says

    Category #2

    Love Volunteering? Access Thousands of Ways to Make a Difference in 2015

  165. Sarah Hersack says

    Category 3
    Entice employee engagement and encourage community service — through an app.

    Meet the app that brings out the very best in all of us.

    Category 2
    Less is not more. Just ask a homeless person. Let’s help fix that.

    Category 1
    Let’s partner in changing the world. Every day.

  166. Stuart Clark says

    Cat 1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    Does your company’s mission to “make a difference” stretch this far?

    Cat 2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Could opportunities like these turn your people into superheroes?

    Cat 3: Ease of use
    “Doing good is good for business” (This makes it so easy)

  167. Debra says

    Category #1:
    Want to feel good and help to?
    Want help others? Start here…
    Feel good, help others…volunteering – it’s never been easier.

    Category #2:
    Make a difference…1000’s of opportunities!
    Volunteering – great team builder. Get you’re team involved.

    Category #3:
    No more excuses…app makes volunteering easy!
    Volunteering…app makes it a breeze.
    Have fun with colleagues and help others too!
    Want to help others and have fun with colleagues too?

  168. Johanna Bergstrom says

    #1 – Will you lead and inspire your colleagues to do good deeds?
    #2 – Volunteering opportunities to suit even the busiest CEOs and working parents
    #3 – Smartphone app volunteering? This makes it so easy to do a good turn

  169. Leah Adams-Chute says

    Great idea! My submissions are below. I look forward to seeing the results.

    Category #1
    You know good people. We have good causes.

    Category #2
    Are you in good company?

    Category #3
    It’s easy. Do good, feel better.

  170. Costin says

    Category 1:
    Your colleagues will thank you

    Category 2:
    1000s of Opportunities to Volunteer
    1000s of Opportunities to Volunteer (just choose 1)

    Category 3:
    App to Volunteer ? Count me in.

  171. David K says

    #1. It’s your time to volunteer
    #2. Helping your community? There’s a charity for that
    #3. Give-on-the-go! Search numerous charities on our mobile app

    #4. Connect with your community… AND your colleagues
    (Fourth category could be about the social connection that results from volunteering–in this case with the community as well as one’s colleagues. It seems like this is a primary reason why someone would want to volunteer)

  172. lahu Gawade says

    #1 – Does your business have the best engagement tool?
    #2 – Use this engagement tool and take your business to a different orbit all together.
    #3 – 2000+ business owners downloaded VolunteerMatch App, have you?

  173. Cecylia says

    Category 1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    Let kindness be your super power today. Volunteer.
    Be an office superhero. Spread the word. Make a difference.
    Everyone can be a hero. Here is how.
    Spread the good not the flu. Make a difference with your co-workers.

    Category 2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    1000 heros for a better world.
    You can’t make a difference without making a connection. 1000 ways to connect.
    1000 ways to keep the good going in 2015.
    One company, thousand ways to make a difference

    Category 3: Ease-of-use
    Volunteering just got easier with our mobile app
    Volunteering is just a click away
    The volunteer app your co-workers talk about.
    Help is in your hands, we just make it easy.
    Let’s connect to change the world.

  174. Winnie J says

    #1 – Help your company help others

    #2 – There’s a volunteer opportunity out there for everybody

    #3 – Make it your business to help others…with one simple app.

  175. Tim says

    Category #1

    You Volunteer! Will they?

  176. Nichole A. P. says

    Category #1: Connect – Volunteer – Make a Difference Today
    Category #1: Proof That Employee Volunteerism Matters
    Category #1: Join us in the movement today!
    Category #1: We could use a little help from our friends
    Category #1: We could use a little help from your friends
    Category #1: Make the world a better place today

    Category #2: Oodles of opportunities to volunteer – Choose today!
    Category #2: Excited to volunteer but not sure where to start?
    Category #2: Volunteerism 2015 – Uniting you and your company today

    Category #3: Volunteering has never been so easy!
    Category #3: Change the world from your phone today
    Category #3: Volunteering made easy peasy!
    Category #3: Volunteering is easy peasy with this mobile app

  177. Katy says

    #1 – What Are You Willing To Do To Make A Difference?

    #2 – Find Out What Volunteer Opportunities Are Right For You

    #3 – Volunteering On The Go, Its That Easy

  178. Cecylia says

    category 1:
    The difference you and your co-workers can make in 2015
    How you and your company can better the world in 2015

    category 2:
    Thousands of opportunities for your company to make a difference
    Thousands of opportunities to better the world in 2015

    Category 3:
    Change the world with one simple app
    Make the world a better place with this free app
    Changing the world is just one click away

  179. Ashley G. says

    Category 1:

    You Matter – Explore Easy Ways for You to Make a Difference

    Category 2:

    Want to Make a Difference in Your Community? Find Your Perfect Opportunity.

    Category 3:

    Making a Difference is Easy – Find Opportunities Anytime, Anywhere

  180. Michael Monita says

    Category 1: Proof, recognition, credibility
    Bring The App That’s Powered by Your Passion to Your Company

    The App That’s Powered by the Passion of [FirstName] [LastName]

    The App That’s Powered by Your Passion

    Category 2: Better, more opportunities to choose from
    Where Motiv(ation) Meets Opportunity – The Case for Employee Engagement With VolunteerMatch

    Share thousands of volunteer opportunities with your colleagues

    Category 3: Ease-of-use
    It’s Simple: Your Volunteer Efforts X The Power of Your Colleagues = Good for All

    Now it’s easy to measure the things that matter. Employee Engagement Solutions by VolunteerMatch.

  181. Alison says

    Category #1
    Ignite a Volunteer Revolution at Work. Start here…
    Volunteer with Your Coworkers: Here’s How

    Category #2
    Your Choice: 1,000s of Volunteer Ops for Businesses

    Category #3
    On the go, like you: VolunteerMatch app for employees
    Employee Volunteering Made Easy: Get the App

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