Page Layout Optimization: A common mistake marketers and web designers make, and how to avoid it

Let’s suppose you have been perusing our website for a while now and have been educating yourself on landing page optimization. You are in the process of revamping a webpage and feel like you have arrived at a good value proposition. It’s well expressed in your headline and has further enticing information in the subheader. The graphics are good. You now think you’ve captured visitor’s attention. What’s next?

In this Quick Win Clinic, Flint McGlaughlin views a page from Core Hospitality Furniture that has several positive factors going for it. Our attention is captured. But just as the conversation gets rolling, it seems to end and we are left hanging, even a little confused.

“Beware of this danger where you have important content buried on your page.” — Flint McGlaughlin, CEO and Managing Director, MECLABS Institute

Watch the video to see where the mistake was made, and get some free advice on how to keep the conversation going with the customer so that they will be able to arrive at a conclusion, which powers a decision that is mutually beneficial to both customer and brand.


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1 Comment
  1. Fred says

    Very interesting stuff. Now you’re making me reconsider the design of every website I own! Ack! That’s a good thing though, I suppose.

    I can understand why the marketer/dev/whoever that made that site made the mistakes they did though. They likely think the text is the unimportant part of the content that no one will be interested in and wanted to wow them with pictures. I’ve thought similar things myself, but as Flint said “people buy products from people, not from websites”, and the text is what helps remind us that the website is run by a person and isn’t just some faceless entity.

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