How’s Your Marketer’s Intuition?
If you’ve signed up for our free Web clinic today, you’re in for a good one. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to tune in. Dr. Flint McGlaughlin is going to cover a lot of marketing ground, including subscription incentives, retail, ad copy, services, long vs. short copy, email subject lines and “tone,” etc.
The challenge? Prove your marketer’s intuition. Make the right call on which page versions, headlines, etc. performed better and worse in our studies. We’ll take a live poll of our audience, share the voting results, and analyze the actual test results.
Previous MarketingExperiments surveys showed intuition was unreliable when it came to predicting the best page performance, the best headline, the best copy in the test cases we studied: Our survey- takers were wrong at least 50% of the time.
But the very nature of optimization includes an element of intuition. How can it be honed to its maximum reliability? Should we ever trust it?
The free Webinar starts at 4:00 P.M. Eastern. Please click here for a secure sign-up: