Your homepage URL is likely directly connected to every dollar that flows out of your marketing budget. It’s on TV commercials, business cards, even the side of a city bus.
But is it optimized to meet your marketing goals? Or is your marketing campaign leaking revenue every time someone lands on your page?
On this homepage-specific Web clinic, Flint McGlaughlin, the Director of MECLABS Group, shared a few key optimization steps to help you build an effective, ROI-based homepage:
- Step 1: Identify all homepage objectives
- Step 2: Prioritize the objectives into three categories: primary objective, major objectives, and minor objectives
- Step 3: Connect key success metrics to each objective category
- Step 4: Design the homepage to weigh objectives strategically according to priority.
- Step 5: Test the effect of competing objectives
Plus, the MarketingExperiments team conducted live optimization of audience-submitted homepages.
Web clinics are lively events where marketers can communicate via Twitter with their peers as well as the MarketingExperiments team by using #webclinic. To give you a sense of the conversation that takes place in a live Web clinic, and what you can learn from this Homepages Optimized replay embedded below, here are a few of our favorite tweets:
The home page shouldn’t be a landing page. Its job is to get people through it, not to it. #webclinic
Live page optimization by Dr. McGlaughlin is like going to the dentist: Hurts while you’re there, but better in the long term. #webclinic
hey #webclinic attendees, we like homepage feedback too!
Home pages are not magazine ads.
View the clinic replay, or listen to the audio recording (mp3), to learn how to effectively communicate value on your website.
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Editor-in-Chief — Dr. Flint McGlaughlin
Writer(s) — Daniel Burstein
Pamela Markey
Austin McCraw
Contributor(s) —Chuck Coker
Tony Doty
Flint McGlaughlin
Corey Trent
Production — Austin McCraw
Cliff Rainer
Graphic and Web Designer — Nicole Evans