Your competitors are continually making your job as a marketer more difficult. They are constantly spying on you, uncovering your hidden marketing strategies, and beating you at your own games. And when they arent doing that, they are executing their own plans for market domination.
It feels as though youre fighting a war on more fronts than you can count especially when your business is in a highly competitive or commoditized market.
How can marketers effectively wage war in a crowded market when there are so many other companies fighting tooth and nail for their cut?
The case study in this Web clinic replay introduces how one nonprofit organization saw an increase in conversions and donations by using the keys shared in this clinic, which teach marketers how to identify and expressing a value proposition effectively.
Download the presentation slides
CTA Psychology Workshop: Work directly with Flint to optimize the conversion rate of your call-to-action – Wednesday, July 20th 2022 at 3pm EDT
[The Web clinics are] extremely interactive and a great resource for me as a marketing professional. –Daniel
Having slides only available (without audio) to recap after presentations. –Nick
Best resource to get in-depth knowledge on digital marketing. –Aakash
Dr. Flint McGlaughlin
Paul Cheney
Austin McCraw
Video Production and Editing
Luke Thorpe
Technical Production
Steven Beger
Jessica McGraw
Selena Blue
Eric Nopanen
John Tackett
Beth Caudell
Additional Contributors
Aimee Thompson