Embrace Your Inner Sleazeball: How to gain enterprise approval for the marketing resources you need to succeed


Whenever anyone says to you, “He reminded me of a used car salesman,” we all have the same image in our head. High pressure, no class, just wanted to get you “to sign on the line which is dotted” (as Alec Baldwin said in Glengarry Glen Ross).

We’ve probably all heard the famous sentence, “So, what will it take to get you in this car today?” and shuddered. And because of this, many of us are adverse to the entire idea of selling. But in reality, we are all selling things all the time, right?

SellingWe sell the idea of a particular vacation spot to our families. We sell our experience and expertise in job interviews. We sell our teams on our genius marketing plans. In today’s free MarketingExperiments web clinic, we’re going to talk about how to pull off the last vague sell you’ll ever have to do – because every idea you will pitch after you sell enterprise-level use of the testing-optimization cycle will have black and white numbers to back it up.

Decision makers don’t care about testing…

They care about making money. Or meeting some other business-level goal they have. And testing only matters to them if it helps them meet one of these goals.

We’ve talked about how to execute great tests, and what to test, and how to deliver results for your organization for years. But, as a team, we’ve generally failed to help you push past the organizational red tape and bureaucracy to give your idea some teeth.

I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with many of you who have expressed an interest in testing, but for one reason or another couldn’t get your organization to see the vision the way you see it. Believe me, you’re all in great company – from global corporations to SMBs, everyone is still having the challenges they were having a year ago to really make the case for testing.

…but they care passionately about results

In today’s live web clinic, I’ll share a success story that I’m sure you can easily relate to – a behind-the-scenes look at not just how we made a change on a landing page to get a big result, but how one company ran a series of successful tests, worked through setbacks, and eventually created a culture of testing and optimization in their organization.

And for all who dislike selling, I have some good news. We’re going to take our hour together today to talk about how to make the case for testing and equip you with the tools you’ll need to convince the powers-that-be that they should be making a strategic investment in optimization.

Because once they do, and you get your chance to create that culture in your company, the results will do all the selling for you.

Related research

Execute great tests

What to test


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