“We must ground our webpage designs in the customer’s psychology or risk losing business.”
— Flint McGlaughlin
(This article was originally published in the MarketingExperiments email newsletter.)
This replay begins @ 2:05
Think about your current landing page and ask yourself, “If I were to take my headline and put it on several other brands’ webpages, would it still apply to other businesses? In other words, is my landing page headline generic or specific?
Let’s take the following headline from a healthcare webpage as an example: “WE WANT TO HELP YOU”
How can we change this headline to make it more specific and unique to the services being offered?
This is just one of many thought exercises Flint McGlaughlin and his participants worked through together in a recent interactive session on web design.
Watch the replay to get insight into important page elements like determining your ideal customer (demographic vs. decision profiling),and the dangers of having more than one objective on your page.
Next week, Flint will continue the discussion, sharing tips on good page flow (layout), personality (look and feel) and customer connection.
You can download a PDF of the infographic and use it as a template for creating your own web designs grounded in customer psychology. And we hope you’ll join us in the following weeks to come on YouTube Live as we show you how to use this framework to think about your page systematically in order to achieve consistent conversion lifts.
Go to part two.
Related Resources
3:31 Website Development: How a small natural foods CPG company increased revenue 18% with a site redesign
7:36 Landing Page Optimization: How Aetna’s HealthSpire startup generated 638% more leads for its call center
13:12 How a Nonprofit Leveraged a Value Proposition Workshop to See a 136% Increase in Conversions
Hello Linda,
I have been combing the net looking for an eye-catching topic of the web design until I was almost about to give up luckily I stumbled upon this your marvelous post. The whole content mentioned by you gives a beautiful and straightforward way to begin for beginners and to finish transparently. All information about psychological elements that power effective web design mentioned by you in this post is marvelous.
Thanks for sharing this valuable post.
Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback, David. I’m glad we could be of some help. We’ll be posting Part 2 and 3 soon.
What type of information/content do you provide your designers with to create those initial wireframes? When Flint was showing Megan’s wireframes and talking about web design in general, it felt like content would fill in the wireframe instead of creating content and then creating wireframe for that content.
That’s a great question, Viktor. Dan and Meghan are working on a blog post about wireframes right now. Hopefully, that will answer your questions. Be on the lookout for it.
It’s now available: How to WIreframe a Landing Page: 6 Steps
Thanks for sharing PDF of the infographic Linda!
Thank you for sharing. We are in the process of designing our new website. Your information gives clear steps to reflect on. It is of tremendous help
I’m glad the infographic is helpful, Natascha. We’d love to share your testimonial on our infographic landing page. Let me know if that works for you.
Thank you for the infographic pdf, Linda. Visual representation makes it easier to understand.
I am bookmarking this so that I can share the content with all my juniors and new joinees.
Thanks again.