Landing Page Optimization:


Senior analyst Gaby Diaz reviewed this landing page, which was submitted by

The first thing I did when I landed on this page was scan the page up and down about three times, once to scan the left navigation, then again to briefly scan the middle column and, finally, the third column.


Analysis of landing page

This page is trying to do too many things at the same time and calls to action are not prioritized. I assume “application” or “apply for level 1” is the main objective of this page. However, it is lost among too many other calls to action.

In our optimization process, any time we look at a page we try to answer three simple questions: 1) Where am I? 2) What can I do here? 3) Why should I do it?

In this page, the headline answers the first question: “Ananda Yoga Teacher Training.” However, the second and third questions are not properly addressed. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • There are many things I can do in this page: watch a video, check the course schedule, navigate to other courses, go to FAQs, and go to application form. There should be only one desired action you want visitors to take.
  • The three column design disrupts the natural flow of the page. Visitors will jump top to bottom, left to right, trying to scan information and see what they can do in this page. We call this “unsupervised thinking.” Ideally, you want to have one or two columns at the most and guide the eye-path top to bottom to the call to action (“application”) with a simple vertical flow and the fewest interruptions possible.
  • “Why should I do this?” This most important question is not properly answered. There is a good use of sub-headlines and bullet points to break down information and help visitor scan the main benefits of the program. However, none of the benefits are easy to quantify. You could quantify the number of techniques, exercises, methods, etc., that yoga teachers will learn with this course to help prospects understand the full value of working with you.


Recommendations for testing

The words in parentheses after each suggestion are the primary elements of the MarketingExperiments Conversion Sequence. We use these concepts to guide optimization.

  • If the primary objective of this page is to sign up, then headline, sub-headline, and first paragraph need to introduce visitors to the course and briefly explain why they need this program (clarity of value proposition).
  • There are no clear incentives to apply, but the program in itself could be the best incentive. I would try to quantify the benefits more and staff expertise (incentive).
  • The layout as I mention is one form of friction (three columns). I would test a two column design. Also, I’d move links that take visitor away from the page to the bottom of the page or within the copy. But make sure the links open in a new window (friction).
  • I would use a clearer and stronger call to action…something like, “Expand your yoga training skills, apply now.” I suggest placing it right after 1st paragraph and again at the bottom of the page. Also, I would recommend a two-step sign-up process. First, you want to capture email and name on this page; then make the second step the full sign-up form. In this way, you have a way to market to them if they don’t continue. I see there is no online application; this is something I would also test (friction).
  • You do a good job by using a lot of testimonials; they are great elements to reduce visitors’ anxiety. I would test formatting them in Italics so they don’t blend with the rest of the copy. Also, I would include references that explain the Institute and build credibility in the visitors’ mind; for instance, the number of years in business, recognitions or awards (anxiety).

Audience: What do you think? Use the comments field to post your suggestions for this landing page, agree/disagree with Gaby’s assessment, and let the page owner know what you would do differently.

We’ll post our next landing page on Thursday …

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