Landing Page Optimization:


This post is part one of a five-part series on B2B landing pages.

Senior analyst Gina Townsend reviewed this landing page, submitted by for our Feb. 25 live optimization web clinic.

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Analysis of channel

  • I’m going to start by reviewing the PPC ad that appears in a search for ‘low latency market data’ (second position in image at left).
  • The user may be motivated to choose the Solace Systems PPC ad because it’s quantifiable, it states ‘Microsecond Market Data’ in the ad headline as well as ‘millions of messages per second’ in the ad copy
  • The PPC ad maintains continuity with the original motivation of the customer’s keyword search. They searched for ‘low latency market data’ and are served a PPC ad that’s headline reads’ Microsecond Market Data’
  • You could improve on this further by stating how fast it actually is… specific quantifiable data has proven to perform better over general/non-specific content
  • This would also set you apart from your competitors in the screenshots above

Analysis of landing page

  • Once I arrive at the landing page, I don’t necessarily know that I am in the right location based on my search.
  • I’m immediately distracted by the graphic: why does this image display the text ‘Library’?
    • This will cause friction by confusing customers and make them feel as though they’re not on the correct page
  • In addition to the distracting header image, the landing page includes navigation, which is directly in the eyepath
    • If the objective of the page is to download a paper, we would not want to give the user options to navigate away from this landing page… which is what the navigation does
  • The highest performing landing pages are those that match exactly with the motivations of the customers arriving from the channel
    • Typically this is met by a headline
    • The headline of this page is not in the eyepath, nor is it a strong statement communicating why I should stay on this page and enter my personal information in the fields provide
  • The paragraph of copy is quantifiable, which is great
    • You have the most important elements of this paragraph bolded, which allows it to stand out
  • Regarding the form fields, it is understood that you need to enter this information to download the paper, but why is name, company and phone number needed?
    • Providing personal information increases anxiety and therefore probably increases abandonmentsolace-screenshot.png

Recommendations for testing

  • As I recommended for the channel, it would be interesting to test adding quantifiable data in the PPC ad or ad copy. Other test ideas to consider include:
  • To continue the relevance from the ad, try including that data and/or the PPC keyword searched in the headline on the landing page
    • Keep in mind that the headline needs to be more noticeable and in the eyepath on the landing page
      • I’d recommend testing the headline below the Solace Systems logo in place of the navigation or in the header image in place of ‘Library’
  • Test removing the navigation, if the user wants additional information on Solace Systems, they can click on ‘contact us’ or the logo
    • Or test including links like ‘Products’ or ‘About Us’ in the orange supporting information bar
  • Regarding the orange bar, typically we like supporting material in a right column format
    • Test this bar on the right as opposed to left side of the page
  • Test removing ‘Library’ from the header image… as I mentioned earlier, this could confuse and frustrate users which would then lead to increased page abandonmen
  • I like the image of the downloadable paper
    • To access the paper, what information is a necessity?
      • If company and phone number are two fields that you’d like to have but are not necessary, then I’d recommend asking for that information on a subsequent page
      • Or you could also test requesting this information in a follow-up email
      • If all fields are necessary and required, provide an explanation as to why these fields are required
  • Lastly, I would include anxiety reducers in the form of customer testimonials, industry awards and privacy policy logos or links
    • Customer testimonials and industry awards provide credibility in your company and product. It allows people to know that other people have used this product and found it helpful.
      • I would test including the testimonials near the call-to-action or in orange right-hand supporting column. The industry awards would most likely work best in the right-hand supporting column
    • The privacy policy link or anti-spam logo would reduce anxiety because it would reinforce that their personal information is safe

Audience: What do you think? Use the comments field to post your suggestions for this landing page, agree/disagree with Gina’s assessment, and let the folks know what you would do.

We’ll post our next landing page winner on Thursday …

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