Share Your Success: Top story about a marketing test wins a Landing Page Optimization Package (a $4,000 value)
Our job is to help you do your job better. And to tell you the truth, it’s a pretty fun job.
The fun part comes in when we hear about all of your successes. So while I know sometimes it can be hard to toot your own horn (even though, as marketers, we spend every day tooting our company’s or clients’ horns), we’re going to ask you to do just that.
Brag a little, you’ll be glad you did
Not only are we going to ask you to boast, we’ll make it worth your while. Our favorite case study will receive a complimentary Landing Page Optimize Package (a $4,000 value).
Here’s what we’re looking for
If you’re anything like me, you have a bit of a creative bent and don’t like to be told to color between the lines. Hey, it’s part of what makes a good marketer.
So we’ve tried to create a good middle ground, letting you know the details we need for a successful case study that the MarketingExperiments community can benefit from, while giving you the flexibility to stand out from everybody else.
The media can be anything of your choosing – landing pages, email, social media, you name it – but we’ll need to know a few basic facts:
- Comps of the control and treatment(s) – in the form of screenshots or URLs
- Results (we won’t publicly publish specific numbers if you don’t want us to)
- Number of observations, e.g., visits, email sends, etc
- Number of conversions, e.g., sales, clicks, leads, etc
- Intermediate or subsequent metrics, e.g. clicks to leads to sales (if applicable)
- Background
- Brief company description (we can anonymize when we publish)
- Channel or audience descriptions (Where are they coming from? Is this a segment?)
- Objective of this page, campaign, etc
- Test dates
- Additional info about test (stopped the test then restarted it, etc)
Now for the wild horses
Here’s where the fun comes in. You can communicate this info to us in whatever way you desire. Send us a simple email. Make a video on YouTube. Sculpt a giant sandcastle graph on the beach (our office is just a few blocks away, we’ll check it out at lunch).
This is a chance to really stretch your creative legs and have fun. Think different(ly). Whatever you choose to do, you can point us to it by sending an email.
You have until May 31, 2010, so there is time to really knock our socks off.
So show us your biggest successes. We can’t wait to see them.
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