A/B Testing: Think like the customer


At Optimization Summit 2012, many brand-side marketers shared what they learned from A/B testing and optimization. In the clip below, Nathaniel Ward, Manager of Online Programs, The Heritage Foundation, shares one of his biggest discoveries from testing.


Let me warn you that the above video contains strongly worded political opinion, since The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank. However, as with any experiment or case study, our goal is not to focus on the individual message, but rather the greater lessons you can learn from other marketers.

In this case, I think you can learn three things from Nathaniel’s example:

  • Put yourself in your customer’s shoes
  • Try testing unbranded microsites that tap into your customers’ motivations and are focused on engaging your audience before you send them to your conversion goal (Can help with viral marketing)
  • Challenge best practices with testing


Related Resources:

MECLABS principles and heuristics

Nonprofit Marketing: How a long, ugly page generated 274% more revenue

What Your Customers Want – How to predict customer behavior for maximum ROI

B2B Marketing: Finding ideas from the ‘wrong’ case studies

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  1. Stanley Rao says

    Worth reading and watching the video… and agree to the post of putting your self in the customers shoes and understanding their needs and requirements.

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