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Conversion Marketing Methodology

What color should you use for visited links?

Here’s another question that came in a few days ago. Someone wanted to know what the best practice is for changing the color or appearance of a text link after it has been clicked. Our Director Optimization, Jimmy Ellis, wrote up this…

How People Look at Web Pages

There was an interesting article in USA Today a few days back. They quoted, among other points, the following from a study by the Nielsen Norman Group. “Individuals read Web pages in an "F" pattern. They're more inclined to read longer…

Catch Slowly Emerging Online Trends

Some things happen online at a dizzying speed and, unless you have the advantage of being the “first-mover”, it will cost you a lot to catch up. However, other things happen quite slowly. One of these slowly emerging trends is people’s…

More Evidence of the Power of Small Changes

In a recent article at, this passage really caught my eye... “ increased the click-through rate on one campaign by moving the word “free” to the first line of the ad from the second line. And turned…

Page Weight

We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this clinic here: Windows Media Audio: RealMedia:…

Offer Pricing

Related Brief: How to Test and Optimize Your Pricing: You can listen to a recording of a clinic on this subject here: Windows Media Audio RealMedia As part of our research, we have prepared a review of the best Internet resources on…