Value Proposition Discovering Your Value Proposition Editorial Staff Aug 16, 2012 0 Your competitors are continually making your job as a marketer more difficult. They are constantly spying on you,…
Value Proposition Landing Page Optimization: Identify and express why I should buy from you John Tackett Jul 23, 2012 1 Identifying and expressing your value proposition are two skills that are necessary to leverage the power of a…
Value Proposition Homepage Optimization Applied Editorial Staff Jul 5, 2012 0 Your website is leaking revenue as you read this sentence. As a marketer, you probably already knew that. The…
Value Proposition Value Proposition: 3 worksheets to help you craft, express and create derivative… Daniel Burstein Jul 2, 2012 0 Expressing a derivative value proposition effectively is one of the greatest challenges every marketing team faces.…
Value Proposition Nonprofit Marketing: How a long, ugly page generated 274% more revenue Paul Cheney Jun 15, 2012 5 Many #OpSummit tweets have communicated surprise at the idea of moving the call-to-action below the fold and still…
Value Proposition Big mistakes from a great marketing test at Air Canada (and 4 lessons to help you… Adam T. Sutton May 30, 2012 4 Optimization marketers must do a lot of explaining,including sometimes why test results are lower than expected.…
Value Proposition 15 Years of Marketing Research in 11 Minutes Daniel Burstein May 21, 2012 12 Watch as Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director and CEO, MECLABS, explains what he has learned from 15 years of…
Value Proposition The 2 Most Important Words in Marketing Daniel Burstein May 11, 2012 3 To really make sure you don’t frustrate or alienate your busy customer or prospect, you need to ask what Dr. Flint…
Value Proposition Customer Value: The 4 essential levels of value propositions Daniel Burstein Apr 27, 2012 7 To communicate value, you need everyone who works on your marketing campaigns to have a clear understanding of your…
Value Proposition Transparent Marketing: How to make your product claims credible … not incredible Daniel Burstein Apr 2, 2012 5 Adam Lapp, Associate Director of Optimization, MECLABS, summed up the challenge most marketers: make your product…
Value Proposition Competitive Messaging: Tell your customers what you can’t do Daniel Burstein Mar 2, 2012 0 Your products or services will not be right for every consumer. But, when you actually help your customers find the…
Value Proposition Marketing-Sales Funnel Optimization: 3 questions to ask as you kickoff 2012 Daniel Burstein Dec 23, 2011 4 Sometimes, you need to take a step back and look at your marketing campaign, even your sales-marketing…
Headlines on Deadlines (Part 2): How to consistently write effective headlines… Paul Cheney Dec 21, 2011 5 Writing an effective headline takes time. So how can you (a time-strapped marketer) write effective headlines in a…
Headlines on Deadlines (Part 1): How to consistently write effective headlines… Paul Cheney Dec 19, 2011 2 When working on a project or a campaign, you need to be able to write headlines (and copy for that matter) quickly…
Value Proposition Landing Page Optimization: How to plan a radical redesign so you get a lift AND a… Jon Powell Dec 16, 2011 0 Any time you start changing more than one element in an ad, page or process, you start making interpretation and…
Value Proposition Anxiety: Use privacy as a competitive advantage Daniel Burstein Dec 14, 2011 12 Anxiety is one negative factor that reduces the likelihood that your potential customers will complete that lead…
Marketing Optimization: What your peers learned this year about Adwords, the… Daniel Burstein Dec 7, 2011 0 In the Dec. 7 Web clinic – How to Increase Conversion in 2012: The last 20,000 hours of marketing research…
Value Proposition Value Proposition: Revealing hidden value in your products and offers Daniel Burstein Nov 18, 2011 7 While the true value of your offer is critical, if you don’t optimize the perceived value of that offer, that true…
Value Proposition: The key to improving agency and vendor performance Daniel Burstein Nov 14, 2011 1 In this blog post, Daniel Burstein reflects on a profound Twitter exchange that occurred during a recent Web…
Value Proposition Marketing Career: Why a value proposition makes marketing “good” Paul Cheney Oct 28, 2011 3 Marketing has such a bad reputation these days because very few companies have genuine value propositions. What do…