Value Proposition Lead Generation Editorial Staff Oct 8, 2007 0 Are you missing sales by chasing after Conversions instead of generating leads? Is your website out of sync…
Value Proposition Landing Page Optimization Editorial Staff Sep 7, 2007 0 How can you avoid sending conflicting messages about your value proposition and protect your landing pages from…
Proximity Search: Slifter Promises to Unleash the Local Market Peg Davis Aug 21, 2007 0 Ultra-personal ad floggers promise to push hand-crafted, micro-targeted messages to all of your subscription media,…
Value Proposition Funnel Analysis – Optimizing Conversion Rate Gaby Paez Jul 18, 2007 0 Monitoring conversion rate for your subscription products is as important as monitoring the subscription path…
Value Proposition Landing Page Optimization Tested Editorial Staff Jun 27, 2007 0 We approached the study of Friction by asking and then answering the following three key questions: The…
Value Proposition Landing Page Optimization Tested Editorial Staff May 9, 2007 0 We examine research findings to discover what factors determine the efficacy of online marketing email copy.…
Comparison Shopping Gets Granular Nick Usborne May 1, 2007 0 If you sell a product online, you already know how shoppers can check out your prices and the quality of your…
Home Page Design – Basics Gaby Paez Apr 23, 2007 0 By Gaby DiazStrategy Analyst, Marketing Experiments The home page is probably one of the most complicated pages…
Value Proposition Optimizing Site Design Editorial Staff Mar 14, 2007 0 We examine how technology itself can present barriers to conversion. The architecture we use to manage our…
Value Proposition Optimizing Site Design Editorial Staff Feb 21, 2007 0 We examine how reducing customer anxiety by matching your site's appearance to prospects' preconceptions and…
Value Proposition Essential Metrics for Online Marketers Editorial Staff Jul 19, 2006 0 How to create a simple metrics dashboard to track what really matters. You can listen to a recording of this…
An era of descriptive domain names Nick Usborne Jul 19, 2006 0 In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal it is said... “Most people now search for Web sites using a…
How carefully do you listen to what your site users want? Nick Usborne Jun 15, 2006 0 As online marketers we often pay lip service to “meeting customer needs”. In fact, we have a whole slew of jargon…
Value Proposition Optimizing Landing Pages Editorial Staff Jun 13, 2006 0 We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this…
The power of authenticity… Nick Usborne Jun 8, 2006 0 We have spoken about the need for transparent marketing a number of times in this blog. Then yesterday a surprise…
When did you last conduct a competitive analysis? Nick Usborne Jun 6, 2006 0 We have written before about the importance of identifying and communicating a unique value proposition for your…
Another point of view on choosing a product or domain name… Nick Usborne Jun 2, 2006 0 In a previous post I talked about our research findings on choosing a strong product or domain name. In general we…
If your site pages don’t add value…be prepared to fall in organic search… Nick Usborne Jun 1, 2006 0 In previous post I have talked about the proliferation of trash-content sites – typically sites with skinny content…
Value Proposition Site Headlines Tested Editorial Staff May 25, 2006 1 We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this…
Value Proposition Optimizing Landing Pages 2006 Editorial Staff May 23, 2006 0 We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this…