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Expert commentary and editorial from the MarketingExperiments research analysts.

Landing Page Optimization: CPLUS

The final post of a five-part series on B2B landing pages. Analyst Heather Andruk reviewed this landing page for CPLUS, submitted by WSI B2B marketing for our Feb. 25 live optimization web clinic.

Time for some spring cleaning on that landing page

One of my favorite “Flintisms” is a warning against “unsupervised thinking.” In essence, it means that when a visitor gets to your landing page, it should be easy to find what they really want. Make sure they know they’re on the right…

Has Your Site Conversion Peaked?

Let’s suppose you have taken a few marketing courses and have created a fundamentally sound webpage with all the bells and whistles . . . clear headline, natural eyepath, low friction, credibility indicators, etc. And let’s suppose with 2%…

SEO vs. Page Conversion Rates

In response to our teleconference call on landing pages yesterday, we received the following comment: I am most interested in the dynamics of optimizing for organic search ranking vs conversion. Lots of tension there. Is there lots of…