How do You Stop Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Your landing page could be a marketing expert’s dream, complete with credibility factors, bold text, and a natural eye path. But what happens when a customer proceeds to checkout and they become suddenly hesitant of their purchase because…

Are video clips medium-agnostic?

That is to say, if you create a video clip to run on TV, will it be received just as well on the web or on a mobile device? Marketers everywhere might hope that the answer to this question is yes. It would certainly cut down on budgets…

SEM Certification Course and Yahoo

For those of you who are unaware, our next certification course covers the topic search engine marketing (SEM). In response to that, I have received several emails as to how the curriculum will pertain to Yahoo, in the midst of the Panama…

Small PPC Search Engine Test

Thank you to everyone who participated in the small ppc search engine clinic last Wednesday. Following this clinic I received several questions regarding the ways that these search engines are driving their traffic. Specifically, how the…