B2B Success Stories

If we had used "638% gain" in this clinic's title, would you have believed it? One of our featured B2B marketers actually removed that gain from his website because many prospects didn't buy it. The clients that saw the gains reported no…

B2C Success Stories

Give a man an optimized landing page and he converts for a day. Teach a man how to optimize his own landing pages and he can plan, make changes, test, analyze and increase conversions for years to come. With apologies to Lao Tzu,…

Surprise Winners

Optimization best practices don't come with an iron-clad guarantee. Enter the "wild card" — the unknown performance factor. In optimization, wild cards are those outlier treatments that can, and do, surprise us by outperforming all…

B2B Landing Pages

B2B marketers know that their audience needs a different approach than B2C, from the channels to the landing pages, and ultimately, to the sale. So for our February 25, 2009 web clinic, we focused our live optimization contest format…

2009 Marketing Blueprint

It's easy to fall into a rut with optimization and testing. Over time, as you discover which tactics and best practices get results, and then apply them to other channels or pages ad infinitum, you can get lulled into a false sense of…

Lessons Learned

To discover what really works in optimization, our team is constantly running tests and conducting experiments. After hundreds of these tests, several wins, some losses and surprises, we asked our analysts to identify the most…

Lessons Learned

To discover what really works in optimization, our team is constantly running tests and conducting experiments. After hundreds of these tests, several wins, some losses and surprises, we asked our analysts to identify the most…