- The Bionic Marketer: We need a better metaphor for AI than ‘digital agents doing your job’
- How Advanced AI Models Are Revolutionizing MeclabsAI: The future of intelligent systems
- How To Use MeclabsAI To Generate Leads
- How Do You Quickly Create Compelling Content To Grow Your Business
- How Can You Quickly Get a Higher Conversion Rate on Your Website
- The Key to Transformative Marketing Is a Transformed Marketer: How to plan you transformation
- Only Limited by Your Imagination: Unlock new levels of performance with your first custom Expert/App
- It’s a Genius Not a Vending Machine: How to get powerful results with deep, rich interactions.
- 81 Ways To Create New Value in the World: How to combine Experts, Apps, and Libraries
- Genius Hides in the Right Question: How To Get What You Want From Your New Growth SWAT Team.
Browsing Category
Social Marketing
With New Year’s parties long gone, one “Best of” post is still standing
As 2008 ended, the blogosphere filled up with posts about reflections, predictions, and compilations. It's time to see which of these posts has become a resource to return to again and again.
Is viral marketing predictable?
Is there a way to know what might cause something to go viral or not? Testing over the past few years shows that viral marketing, like other aspects of marketing, can not only be tracked, but also predicted.
Keeping it real … fake: Social media marketing “don’ts”
I got a shiny, snailmail brochure today touting a famous research organization’s upcoming workshop. One track offers expert advice on social marketing to “Generation Y.” According to the blurb, selling to this audience requires a…
Harnessing Social Media
EDITOR’S NOTE: You can listen to a recording of the clinic by using the link below.
Harnessing Social Media
Web 1.0 was the Web in its infancy, its first developmental stage.
“Web 2.0” was coined by O’Reilly Media in 2004.…
MySpace Suing over Social Network SPAM
MySpace has filed suit against Scott Richter, CEO of Media Breakaway, claiming he and his company were actively “spamming” millions of MySpace users in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and other federal and California state statutes. The suit…
Can viral video clips drive targeted traffic to your web site?
Tens of millions of people watch these short videos, but how effective are they at driving qualified traffic to web sites?
We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this…
Sample Viral Videos Used in MEC’s Video Research Project
Blogging – A Natural Starting Place for Transparent Marketing.
Authentic blogging can bring you extraordinary exposure and rewards. Contrived, sneaky blogging probably won’t.
What is authentic blogging?
In the case of company blogs, a simple way to picture it is like this: Lock all your PR and…
Profit from Inbound Customer Service
It would almost be amusing if it weren't so damaging. We have all seen web sites where they go to almost any length to discourage a user from picking up the phone to ask a question, or cancel a sale or subscription.
Users are directed to…
Press Releases
We recently released the audio recording of our clinic on this topic. You can listen to a recording of this clinic here:
Press Releases
It's tempting to think that press releases are "old media" and have no part to play in the modern…
Customer Ratings
We recently released the recording of our Dynamic Web Pages clinic. You can listen to a recording of this clinic here:
Windows Media Audio:
Online Conferences
In this report, we will focus specifically on online/telephone conferences. How can these conferences create extra value for your site visitors? What are the benefits for publishers and retailers? What is the best way to manage these…
Website Awards Tested
Series: This is part of a series of briefs on winning website awards. Related briefs are listed below: