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Expert commentary and editorial from the MarketingExperiments research analysts.

In Search of a Value Proposition for a Pet Jewelry Business

Here’s a question that was sent to us by one of our subcribers: “I listened to your value proposition segment online. I found it very helpful as I have been struggling with my value proposition for quite some time. I have read books on branding, etc. and still struggle. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion or feedback on my…

In Search of a Value Proposition

If you had just ten words with which to describe why people should buy your company’s products or services, what would you say? You probably remember the “elevator speech” concept from back when venture capital companies were pouring…

Value Sequencing Decider Graphic

This free infographic (with test ideas based on the customer journey and segmentation) will help you understand when you should further inform, boost cognitive momentum or just get out of the customer’s way.