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Expert commentary and editorial from the MarketingExperiments research analysts.

The learning curve that never flattens…

A recent article in AdWeek shows just how slow most online marketers are to catch up with the potential of emerging media. Here, in part, is what the article says: While in-game advertising and advergaming has received much attention, 72…

The power of authenticity…

We have spoken about the need for transparent marketing a number of times in this blog. Then yesterday a surprise mention in a different blog raised the issue of transparency and authenticity with regard to the home page of one of our own…

June 7 Clinic Notes

NOTES: These are the notes for our interactive May 10 clinic on Landing Pages. The recording of the event will be posted here in a few days. If you are participating in the live teleclinic, we will ask you to refresh your page several…

Test Validity Analysis – a free download

As you may already know, we have been busy working on a series of certification programs. The first one, which started in April – and we’ll be running it again, starting in June – is the Foundations of Online Testing course. During the…

SEO vs. Page Conversion Rates

In response to our teleconference call on landing pages yesterday, we received the following comment: I am most interested in the dynamics of optimizing for organic search ranking vs conversion. Lots of tension there. Is there lots of…

May 24 Clinic Notes

NOTES: These are the notes for our interactive May 10 clinic on Landing Pages. The recording of the event will be posted here in a few days. If you are participating in the live teleclinic, we will ask you to refresh your page several…

Is your web site surfer-friendly?

In the world of optimization and the search for increased revenues, it is tempting to create our site pages in a way that deliberately “pushes” readers in one single direction. Our own optimization tests have shown time and again that by…

A cautionary take about Eco-Ads

What are eco-ads? They spring from marketing strategies, often within large corporations, which address the need to present companies as being friendly towards the environment. Companies recognize that many of their customers are concerned…

What color should you use for visited links?

Here’s another question that came in a few days ago. Someone wanted to know what the best practice is for changing the color or appearance of a text link after it has been clicked. Our Director Optimization, Jimmy Ellis, wrote up this…