SEM Certification Course and Yahoo

For those of you who are unaware, our next certification course covers the topic search engine marketing (SEM). In response to that, I have received several emails as to how the curriculum will pertain to Yahoo, in the midst of the Panama…

Small PPC Search Engine Test

Thank you to everyone who participated in the small ppc search engine clinic last Wednesday. Following this clinic I received several questions regarding the ways that these search engines are driving their traffic. Specifically, how the…

Do your readers trust you?

A recent article in BrandWeek goes over some research from Jupiter Research in which the data suggests that people have a very low level of trust in information they find in blogs, forums and social networks. This comes as something of a…

Video Research Project Update

We recently conducted our first conference call to introduce the upcoming video research project. The goal of this projec is to answer the questions: 1. How can video be best used to sell a product or service? 2. How can video be used as…

Don’t discount the popularity of FREE…

In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Lee Gomes describes his search through 2.27 gigabytes of search data from AOL. According to his research, the single word which appeared most frequently in searches on AOL over the period covered…

August 9th Clinic Notes

NOTES: These are the notes for our interactive August 9 clinic on MEC Merchandising Calendar for the 2006 Fall and Holiday Season. The recording of the event will be posted here in a few days. What are the best ways to prepare for and take…